Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy day!

Darcy began the day with good news - at 6:30 this morning we found out that she was placed at an internship site for next year - Switzer Learning Center in Torrance. For any readers who might not be familiar with this process for psychologists-in-training, it's quite competitive, protracted, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. It's not really designed with the psychological health of the applicants in mind.

Essentially, this means that she'll be able to graduate on time. It also means that, for the first time in her career, she'll get paid for the services she provides. Maybe not paid well, but paid something. Which is better than nothing.

The only real cloud in this silver lining is the commute to Torrance every day, but we know people who have done worse when it comes to freeways and traffic. She's really excited about the opportunity to work with children providing therapy and assessment services, and I'm excited to see her so excited.

We're heading out tonight for a little Claim Jumper BBQ chicken to celebrate.


Grete said...

Congrats, Darcy! I wouldn't look forward to that commute, either, but it's great for you two being able to stay at Fuller. :)

david said...

congrats, darcy!!