Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Christopher Hitchens says "Vote for Obama"

So I stumbled upon this article the other day and found it remarkable:

Perhaps a little background information would be appropriate ... It's by Christopher Hitchens for Although Hitchens was apparently associated with some more liberal causes in his early career (late 1980s), I know him more for his militant atheism, his vehement distaste for Bill and (more recently) Hillary Clinton, and for his unequivocal embrace of the Neo-Conservative foreign policy myth (in essence, that we can democratize the world at gunpoint, that we are locked in an ideological struggle with Islamofascists who want to subvert our very way of life and impose shariah on the Western world, and that overwhelming military superiority and willingness/eagerness to use it is the only hope for the future).

As a rule, I try to avoid reading anything written by him since when he's not insulting persons of faith he's generally advocating bombing someone for something. Since my faith has led me to renounce the myth of redemptive violence, there's not a whole lot that Christopher and I see eye to eye on.

With these worldview parameters firmly in place, he nevertheless arrives at the conclusion that McCain is unfit for the presidency and excorciates him thusly: "McCain lacks the character and temperment to be president. And Palin is simply a disgrace." That's just the subtitle of the article. It's not pretty when prominent conservatives turn on Republicans. Who knew?

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