Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Greg Boyd on Mennonites

I'm a few days late here, but check out Greg Boyd's message to Mennonites here.

He's a thoughtful, well-spoken, interesting guy. Some thoughts of my own:

1) If, as Greg suggests, the Anabaptists (and particularly we Mennonites) get so very many things right in faith and practice, why doesn't he join us? That would certainly make a splash since we're a fairly small pool as denominations go.

2) Favorite line: Greg on Anabaptism, "It's the only [Christian] tradition that isn't soaked in blood and the only tradition that looks remotely like Jesus." Well said.

3) If I ever find myself living in Minneapolis or St Paul I'll be very tempted to join Greg's church. And this despite my personal distaste for both mega-churches and nondenominationalism.

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