Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Magic 3, Cavaliers 1

I'm sad now. It's a deep, pervasive, penetrating sadness with which I am all too well acquainted. At the same time, since my sadness is so familiar to me, it's a little like a friend coming home after a long vacation. A friend that you hate with every fiber of your being because he's such a jerk to you all the time but then he'll be nice to you for just long enough to make you think that maybe this time it will be different but then it's not and you'd think it would stop hurting eventually but somehow it never does because each wound is a little different. That's what it's like.

And the season's not even over yet. I'm a little ahead of schedule.


ben wideman said...

I'm sitting here trying to figure out how I feel about the Blue Jays recent 8 game losing streak and fall from first place and you just summarized it perfectly.

Thank you.

Robin said...

I was expecting a blog about your 7-0 streak tonight. I got the full report from Dave and Ben when they got home. Well done, my friend.

david said...

so long as Lebron is on the team i root for, i'm not giving up hope until it's officially over

anonymous said...

Ben, whenever you are stricken with sports-related sadness you have my full empathy. I know that feeling all too well.

You're right, Robin - I had every intention of blogging about some of the best basketball I've ever played in my life occurring yesterday. Then the OT loss happened and plans changed.

And David, I know I'm a little premature. I want nothing more than to retract my post next Monday (the day of game 7, if necessary). But teams with a 1-3 disadvantage in a 7 game series have been 8-182 since 1947 so it's a tough road. I think despair is just a defense mechanism since hope has let me down so many times.

Cafe Pasadena said...

Don't worry, there's always next year. Besides, Clevelanderian's usually can depend on one of their other teams to win some sorta championship every few yrs!

Even were LeBronze to leave for one of the NY teams, the positive for the cavaliers is that they will bcome more team-oriented rather than de one-man style of play that's gotten a stranglehold on them now.

Keep on your fine blogging in the free world!

anonymous said...

I sincerely appreciate the encouragement, but I'm afraid you may be confusing Cleveland with, I dunno, Boston? Or maybe Chicago?

We've been championship-free since 1964, and the Indians' drought goes back to 1948. So it's pretty bleak. Thanks, though.

Cafe Pasadena said...

1948?? Serious? Last century? I'm sorry, obviously not a Cleveland sports xpert. Well, then, still the odds should be bending your way.
Until then, you can support some of our California teams.

anonymous said...

I can continue doing that :)